Friday, February 26, 2010

Why is it that...

Why is it that when I stop eating out as much, start drinking more water, start working out for 30 minutes 2 times a week and stop snacking at night as much that I GAIN weight?!?!

What the hell, body?!

Siigh. Is it one of those things that get worse before it gets better?


My store manager is training a store manager for a different store and I got to help out with the cash wrap part today. It's always so weird trying to teach someone something that they really have never ever seen before. There are so many little things that you just know that they would have no idea about. Especially certain situations that arise at a cash register that have to do with coupons and such. Stuff you just don't know until it happens to you.

Just odd. And cool that I know more than a future store manager. :)

P.s. I just kicked Eric's butt on Guitar Hero on the face off. Yeaaa :).

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