I'm sitting at school waiting for my next class to start in about an hour so I decided to share my lovely bathroom story.
I went to use the restroom here, and I was washing my hands and I just happened to look in the mirror and see the stall behind me. There was something on the ground that looked like rice, so I crouched down a little to see what it was. It WAS rice! This girl had her plate of food sitting between her legs on the floor while she was peeing!! I made this awful "yuck" face and then I realized that she might be able to see what I'm doing through the cracks of the stall, so I booked it out of there as fast as possible.
People are crazy.
Also, why do ugly rainboots have to be in style? I've seen so many hideous, "loud" prints. This girl who sat in front of me in one of my classes had leopard print ones that also had cherries randomly placed on them...? I laughed a little.
Cherries are ok, I suppose...heck, even leopard print is fine...BY ITSELF. That is just a combination that should have never left the design studio.
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