Monday, August 2, 2010

Life is soooo good!

I have the best friends ever, ever, ever!
Lauren just got back from ROTC training stuff in Kentucky I think last week or a couple weeks ago and she is staying at home in Napa and she drove up to see me today. :) Also Liz and her boyfriend are in town this week from Texas & Air Force and they visited today. PLUS we were all hanging out and then Mark came to hang out! Then I get to go on a walk with TIffany and Kimm later at One Mile. I seriously just love all my friends and I wish I hadn't closed all of them out so much when I was with Eric.

Plus Mac is just superrr awesome. :) I have so much fun with him and he just makes me feel so energetic and excited and I'm having fun all the time with him. I feel like he's really good for me right now!

I got 20 hours this next week at work again (up for 16 hrs the past few weeks) which is amaaazzing finally. This pay check sucked because I took that week off for dad and then I only got 3 shifts on the following week so I think my check was less than $130 so I am a little broke for the next couple weeks, but I could really care less right now! :D
ANDDD! I found all but two of my textbooks online on Amazon and it's going to save me around $400. I got 2 in the mail today and one had a 20 dollar bill in with a note that said, "Dear Rhiannon, I have enclosed 20.00 cash for the fact that the text was paper back. If you would like to return this copy of the text please e-mail me at (edited :D) or if you have any questions." SO nice! So I totally just made 20 bucks back, which is probably more than I would have made if I sell the damn thing back to the book store.

I did sell my accounting book from summer back last week and the college said that they weren't taking this edition back but the used book company would so they gave me 15 for it.... I paid 106 for it. umm...LAME. Better than nothing, though, I suppose.

School starts in 3 weeks and that's about the suckiest thing in my life right now!

Everything's so great! Except I still am reallyyy missing dad. I think it's because I want him to be here for all the happy stuff now. is what it is and I know he loved me and he knew I loved him and that's all that matters. :) :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rhiannon-
    I was a co-worker with your dad and have been following your and his blogs from the beginning. We are out of town for the gathering at the Grad. otherwise I would have spoken to you then. Anyway, I have a touching story and a chilling moment that involves 7/12 and a duck. Would like to share it with you and wonder if you want me to email you with it. My email is if you want to send me your (or one of your) emails, OK? Thanks!-Dianne
